Your skin health is important not only for your appearance, but more importantly because your skin performs so many essential tasks for your body. Your skin protects your body from the many viruses and bacteria you are exposed to daily. It also protects you from the sun’s rays – specifically ultraviolet light – that can damage cells. Healthy skin produces vitamin D when exposed to the sun, and vitamin D is important for many body functions. Having healthy skin also helps your body keep its temperature at a constant level. Healthy skin also helps you react better to important changes around you by feeling pain or pressure.
Apples, pears,Grapes, avocado, broccoli, Brussels, kale, spinach, sprouts
Benefits – Vitamin E, necessary for the growth of human tissue: Carotenoids and flavonoids: which provide antioxidant benefit
Yellow Peppers, Squash, Corn , Nectarines, Banana
Benefits – Beta Cryptoxanthin: In the Human Body, cryptoxanthin is converted to vitamin A (retinol) an is therefore, considered a provitamin A. Which help intracellular communication
Raspberries, strawberries, cherries, watermelon, grapes, beets, tomatoes, red peppers, wine
Benefits – Lycopene, promotes hair growth, treating scalp diseases, and slowing down aging process
Oranges, apricots, grapefruitCantaloupe, papayas, mangoes, orange peppers, sweet potatoes, carrots
Benefits – Alpha carotene and Beta Carotene: whichprotect the sin from UV free-radical and DNA damage